Introducing source reviews on NewsTrust
Today we're pleased to announce a new NewsTrust feature: You can now rate or review news sources on our site, in much the same way as you review individual stories. If reviewing a story is comparable to rating individual dishes at a restaurant, then source reviews are like rating the restaurant itself -- like you might do on Google, Yahoo or Yelp.
Source reviews combine a quick trust rating with a thoughtful note about the source's journalistic strengths, weaknesses and areas of expertise.
We've already begun using valuable information our users have added to calculate these trust ratings, and we encourage you to refine your ratings of news sources whose work you're familiar with.
This feature has two key applications: source reviews and rating your sources.
Source reviews
To review a source, click on its name anywhere on the site to go to that source's profile page. Then fill in the "Review this source" form in the middle of that page.
The source review form has three parts:
- Rate it: Do you trust this publication? (Rate it on a scale from 1 to 5.)
- Add a note: What are this source's strengths and weaknesses?(Write an open-ended comment.)
- Expertise: Which topics is this source an expert on? (Click all that apply -- or add more topics in the box below.)
To review a source, click on its name anywhere on the site to go to that source's profile page. Then fill in the "Review this source" form in the middle of that page. Once you've saved your review, you can go back and edit it anytime.
You will also see reviews from other members on source pages:
For more detailed information on source reviews, check out our FAQ.
Rate your sources
On our "rate your sources" page, you can rate our most popular news sources all in one place. Each source has a quick-rating area, where you can rate a news outlet on a scale of 1 to 5. You may see that some are already filled out; that's feedback you've already given us. If your ratings have changed as you've read more news, please update them and add more!
Thanks to our team
We'd like to thank Engineering Manager Subbu Sastry and Designer Caleb Waldorf for their hard work on these applications. Executive Director Fabrice Florin and Managing Editor Jon Mitchell also played key roles in development, and the NewsTrust team is excited about the rollout of these features.
We welcome your feedback on these changes -- feel free to leave a comment below or send an email to feedback at newstrust dot net.
To jump to rating your sources, click on the badge below.
Thanks for your participation!