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Join our hunt for political news!

After last week's news hunt about youth, we're turning our attention to politics this week.

In Annapolis the legislative session is coming to a close and Governor Martin O'Malley faces several tests of his leadership. This week we'll see the results of many months of debate in Annapolis. The consequences will have a major impact on the lives of people in and around Baltimore.

The Baltimore City political scene has been warming up this spring. The legal wrangling over Baltimore City Council redistricting has been prominent in the news. Given the controversy over where exactly some councilmembers live, we're sure to see this subject debated further. The mayoral election is also on the horizon. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake faces a number of challengers. One of them, former city planner Otis Rolley, opened his campaign office in Hampden last week.

In short, this is a very busy time for political news, and we welcome your help in identifying the best journalism on Baltimore and Maryland politics in our news hunt this week.

To learn more about how and why we conduct these weekly journalism surveys, visit our news hunt page, which explains what a news hunt is and details some of our recent Baltimore topics, as well as some news hunts on the NewsTrust national site. 

As part of a news hunt, we ask our member community to do two things: find and post journalism on the topic and review related stories at our website. At the end of the news hunt, we summarize how many stories were reviewed and aim to point to the "most trusted" pieces -- stories that were rated with high marks by our community reviewers. 

The success of NewsTrust Baltimore entirely depends on our readers and members, so we're grateful for your participation. We look forward to sharing and discussing this week's political coverage with you!



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  • NewsTrust Baltimore is a local news experiment that aims to help Baltimore residents find good journalism about their area. Our web review tools let you rate the news based on journalistic quality, not just popularity. We're non-profit, non-partisan, and committed to helping citizens make informed decisions about democracy. More »

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