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NewsTrust Baltimore extension and meetup

We have big news to share -- the NewsTrust Baltimore experiment has been extended an additional four months through the end of July! We're thrilled to have more time to continue to build this community and work with our educational and media partners to help increase news literacy in Baltimore. We plan to use the extra time to do some more interesting work on the site and in classrooms and to continue to evaluate the quality of local journalism.

This funding comes from the Open Society Foundations, which decided to award a second grant to NewsTrust Baltimore -- and their decision is thanks in part to partners and community members like you!

To celebrate the extension, we're holding an informal meetup at Teavolve in Harbor East on Tuesday, March 15, from 5 to 7 p.m. This will be a chance to meet others in the NewsTrust Baltimore community, as well as to simply chat, hang out and let us know your feedback and thoughts on how this experiment is going. NewsTrust's founder, Fabrice Florin, will be in town, and he's looking forward to spending some time with the Baltimore community.

Please join us on Tuesday -- you can RSVP at this Eventbrite page.



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